In a shocking revelation on Friday, officials from Los Angeles disclosed that Matthew Perry, the 54-year-old beloved actor from “Friends,” passed away from the acute effects of ketamine. This tragic incident has brought new attention to the drug, which is used both medically and recreationally.
The Basics of Ketamine
1. Anesthetic with Hallucinogenic Effects
Ketamine is an injectable anesthetic known for its hallucinogenic effects. It can distort sights and sounds, creating a feeling of detachment from pain and surroundings, as per the Drug Enforcement Administration.
2. Medical Approvals and Off-Label Use
Approved as an anesthetic, a potent version called esketamine is also sanctioned in nasal sprays for treating treatment-resistant depression. However, some doctors prescribe it off-label for various mental health conditions, which is legal but not regulated.
Understanding Ketamine’s Risks
1. Recreational Use
Ketamine has a history of recreational use in the form of powder or liquid, sometimes mixed with other drugs.
2. Health Risks
Higher doses can lead to difficulty moving, seizures, and nausea. Prolonged use may result in complete dissociation from reality, loss of consciousness, out-of-body experiences, and near-death encounters.
Ketamine Overdose Statistics
1. Rare Occurrence
Ketamine overdoses are rare when used in isolation. According to the American Addiction Centers, fatality becomes more likely if combined with alcohol due to their impact on respiration and cardiovascular functions.
2. Therapeutic Setting
A 2021 study analyzing 312 overdose cases and 138 deaths involving ketamine found no cases of overdose or death in therapeutic settings. Most reported deaths were linked to additional drug use.
Accidental Deaths and Perry’s Tragedy
1. Unfortunate Incidents
While ketamine overdoses are uncommon, the drug has been associated with accidental deaths, such as car crashes and drownings.
2. Matthew Perry’s Case
Perry’s death, discovered in a hot tub in late October, was attributed to ketamine use, highlighting the potential risks associated with the drug, especially when combined with other factors.
As the investigation continues, this tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding the risks associated with both medical and recreational drug use.